Guide To The Best Heartburn Medications

Bismuth Subsalicylate 

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Bismuth subsalicylate is an antidiarrheal agent, though it also has antacid effects. It works by altering how fluids and electrolytes flow into the bowel. People with ulcers, kidney disease, or bleeding disorders should check with their medical team before taking this drug. Individuals who use medicines to treat diabetes, gout, or arthritis should ask their doctor before using this drug. This medication can interact with anticoagulants, including warfarin, as well. 

Patients should not take more than eight doses of this medicine in twenty-four hours. If heartburn persists after two days of taking bismuth subsalicylate, patients should make an appointment to see their doctor. Occasionally, this medication can cause ringing in the ears. It may also impact the results of some medical tests. Patients should tell their doctor that they are using this medication. 

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