What Causes Brown Discharge During Pregnancy?

It can be unsettling to experience brown discharge during pregnancy. You may come across this sludge-like substance on your underwear or while wiping with toilet paper. A hundred questions may race through your mind when you spot this discharge when you are expecting. The good news is, there is nothing to worry about! 

Brown discharge during pregnancy is common in many women. You need not panic unless you experience other symptoms such as itching or a foul smell. 

We know every kind of vaginal discharge is a signal sent by your body trying to communicate with you, telling you about the changes that are happening internally. So there are various reasons why you may be seeing brown discharge depending on your symptoms and the stage of your pregnancy. 

Let us explore what lies behind brown discharge during pregnancy and if you need to do something about it. 

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Why are you seeing brown discharge during pregnancy?

Brown discharge during pregnancy is vaginal discharge tinged with old blood. This means bleeding inside your uterus or vagina occurred some time ago but just recently began to flow out. As blood ages, it oxidizes, turning from a deep red to a rusty brown color. This is what lends the discharge its brownish hue. 

You may be wondering, is seeing blood during pregnancy even normal? You can breathe easily because light spotting is not unheard of during early pregnancy. According to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, approximately fifteen to twenty-five percent of women experience bleeding during the first trimester. 

However, it can cause concern if bleeding occurs in the second or third trimester. In this case, it is best to immediately consult your healthcare provider. They will advise you on further steps. 

As for brown discharge, there are several causes behind it, and many of them are perfectly normal. Here are five possible reasons you may experience brown discharge during pregnancy.

1. Implantation Bleeding

At one to two weeks after ovulation, you may notice some light spotting during early pregnancy. This is known as implantation bleeding. It is the bleeding that occurs after the fertilized egg attaches to the highly vascular lining of your uterus. The implanted egg causes a rupture in the surrounding blood vessels, which leads to bleeding. This type of bleeding may last anywhere from a few hours to a few days. 

The experience of implantation bleeding is very similar to regular spotting or menstrual flow. The best way to tell the difference is to take a pregnancy test. To know more about distinguishing between implantation bleeding and periods, head to this blog.

  • However, consult your gynecologist immediately if you notice the following symptoms:
  • Heavy bleeding or bleeding that lasts more than three days Painful cramps accompanied by fever or dizziness
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