Side Effects Of Hydrogen Peroxide

Blistering or Peeling Skin

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Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical solution with serious corrosive effects, especially if individuals are exposed to it in high concentrations. It's dangerous to put concentrations of ten percent or higher onto the skin, and even the lower concentrations can cause blistering and discomfort if someone is particularly sensitive. If individuals get any blisters, they must not pop them. Serious blistering or peeling skin should be looked at by a doctor. Hydrogen peroxide can be extremely dangerous if it's ingested or makes it into the bloodstream, but it's unlikely to permeate the blood through unbroken skin. Blisters and peeling skin aren't signs the solution is working properly. Instead, they're an indication the skin is being more harmed than helped by the solution. Individuals should try bandaging any blisters they have to prevent them from rupturing or worsening.

Learn more about the side effects of hydrogen peroxide now.

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