Guide To Foods To Eat With Schizophrenia


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Blueberries, another popular superfood, may have specific effects on schizophrenia. This is, in large part, due to their high antioxidant levels. As cells carry out their tasks and break down, the body produces oxidative molecules. Patients with high levels of oxidative molecules are more likely to experience negative symptoms. Antioxidants neutralize the actions of these molecules. This means that they may lessen the severity of negative symptoms. In some cases, they may even eliminate them. 

The University of Pennsylvania conducted a study that indicated free radicals might cause cell damage that makes patients resistant to treatment. The destruction of the molecules in individuals with this condition is similar to the destruction of brain tissue in Alzheimer's disease patients. Blueberries have few calories while containing many nutrients. One cup of blueberries has four grams of fiber. It also has significant amounts of vitamin C, vitamin K, and manganese. Since blueberries are mostly made of water, a full cup has only around eighty-four calories in total.

Discover other foods to consume due to schizophrenia now.

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