How To Effectively Lessen Muscle Pain

Over-The-Counter Pain Medication

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Over-the-counter pain medication can be very effective at relieving muscle pain, though individuals should always check with their doctor to ensure pain relievers don't interact with any medications they may be taking. The two main types of over-the-counter pain medication are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen and fever reducers like acetaminophen. Both of these are excellent at reducing muscle pain caused by stiffness and minor injury. If the individual's muscles aren't inflamed, acetaminophen is a good option. While acetaminophen doesn't affect inflammation, it also has fewer potential side effects than NSAIDs and is typically safer to take over longer periods. For muscle pain that includes inflammation, NSAIDs are needed as they alleviate inflammation and reduce how much prostaglandins the body produces. Prostaglandins are substances that trigger pain. It's important to note the prolonged use of NSAIDs might cause bleeding, stomach ulcers, or kidney damage.

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