How To Effectively Prevent And Treat Hip Pain

Try Low-Impact Exercises

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When individuals have ongoing hip issues, preventing pain can be a challenge. Resting too much can cause the joint to stiffen up, which makes movement painful, and it's important to retain as much range of motion as possible. At the same time, doing high-impact exercises can cause extreme stress to an individual's joints. With conditions like arthritis or osteoporosis, this can damage the individual's bones and greatly worsen hip and other joint pain. Individuals should always consult their doctor before starting a new exercise regime, but it can help to try low-impact exercises. 

High-impact exercises are exercises where both feet leave the ground at once. Low-impact exercises, on the other hand, don't place nearly as much stress on joints. Strengthening the hips is great, but moving them at all is more important. Researchers recommend aerobic exercises to prevent future pain flare-ups and reduce current levels of hip pain without causing problems. Some available options are cycling, walking, and swimming.

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