Guide To The Best Multiple Sclerosis Medications

Multiple sclerosis is a condition in which the body's immune system attacks myelin. This is the protective covering for nerve fibers. Symptoms include numbness on one side of the body, tremors, unsteady gait, vision problems, slurred speech, and dizziness. Symptoms vary depending on the extent of nerve damage. Some individuals with the condition eventually lose the ability to walk. MRI scans and lumbar punctures are used to diagnose the condition. 

Although there is no cure, there are multiple sclerosis treatments out there that help patients manage symptoms, including some MS treatment breakthroughs. Patients may receive plasmapheresis for multiple sclerosis or even physical therapy for multiple sclerosis. MS support groups are also vital components to the various MS treatment options out there. The most common, though, are medications for multiple sclerosis. Patients should understand their various options first.


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Methylprednisolone belongs to a class of medicines called glucocorticoids. Before using this drug, patients should tell their doctor if they have high blood pressure, osteoporosis, depression, thyroid issues, or cirrhosis. This helps doctors determine if this medication is safe and how to proceed with dosages. Individuals with fungal infections should not take methylprednisolone. As a steroid, this medicine makes patients more vulnerable to infections. Thus, it is important to avoid contact with ill individuals during treatment. 

Patients may experience dizziness, fluid retention, bloating, stomach pain, muscle weakness, and changes in menstruation while taking this medication. In rare cases, this medicine can cause seizures, low potassium, rapid weight gain, and shortness of breath. If these serious effects develop, patients need to let their doctor know right away. 

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