Guide To Hooded Eyes Treatment

Eyelid Surgery

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The medical term often used for eyelid surgery is blepharoplasty. Individuals may also hear the procedure referred to as an eye lift. Eye lifts are one of the most common cosmetic surgeries. They reduce the appearance of hooded eyes and restore a youthful look to the face. Individuals whose eyes are genetically hooded might also seek this option regardless of age. Eyelid surgery can be a pricey choice, and it also requires recovery time. 

However, it also has more dramatic and proven effects than any non-surgical treatment. This has made it one of the most common cosmetic surgeries in the United States. Three different types of eyelid surgery are practiced today. An upper eyelid surgery is the one that will help with hooded eyes, as it lifts the eyelid and creates a more open look. Double eyelid surgery is also an option. This is done by creasing the upper eyelid, which makes the eye look larger and wider. Lower eyelid surgery can be performed simultaneously to address wrinkles and sagging.

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