Guide To Azelaic Acid

Uses And Benefits 

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Azelaic acid is intended to treat acne that is mildly or moderately inflamed. It is also approved to treat mild to moderate rosacea. By reducing inflammation, azelaic acid reduces the skin redness and irritation associated with acne. Ultimately, this medication helps make acne less visible. It destroys bacteria in the pores that may contribute to acne. In addition, this medication can minimize acne scarring. It does this by allowing the skin to heal more quickly by improving the turnover rate of skin cells. Doctors may prescribe azelaic acid to individuals without active acne who are struggling with severe acne scarring. 

The medication is also used to lighten the skin in patients who have hyperpigmentation. It can help individuals with melasma as well. For patients with rosacea, azelaic acid helps to reduce swelling. This medication also reduces the visibility of blood vessels at the treatment site. Sometimes, azelaic acid is used in the place of hydroquinone. Patients should always ask their doctor about the risks and benefits of using azelaic acid for their particular health concern, especially if it is being recommended for 'off-label' use. 

Discover the potential side effects next.

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