Guide To The Health Benefits Of Chicken

Improves Weight Loss

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In many instances, if someone has trouble losing weight, their diet is a significant contributing factor. Ultimately, an individual's key to losing weight is to burn more calories than they consume. When individuals eat leaner cuts of chicken, they get full without taking in many calories. For example, a regular portion of chicken breast, which is around three ounces, has approximately 102 calories. Individuals should be sure to remove the chicken skin for fewer calories. 

On average, adults need to eat between 1,200 and 1,600 calories per day. Depending on how often they eat chicken, adults will still be able to consume enough protein and meet their other daily nutritional requirements. Although it has fewer calories, skinless chicken has a high protein content. Protein helps individuals burn calories while providing them with energy for activities like working out. When individuals consume more protein than fat, they gain lean body mass instead of fat.  A good example of chicken for improving weight loss is cooking chicken in olive oil and adding a side of vegetables.

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