Guide To Understanding Ayurvedic Medicine (Ayurveda)

Benefits Of Ayurveda

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Some benefits of Ayurvedic medicine have been established in systemic research reviews and well-designed clinical trials. Certain plant extract formulations used in Ayurvedic medicine have shown to help osteoarthritis patients with their symptoms. Functional improvements and pain reduction were both recorded with the use of these plant-based formulations that include glucosamine sulfate. A combination of forty different herbal compounds helped individuals with rheumatoid arthritis symptoms in a National Center For Complementary Integrative Health pilot study. A clinical trial reported improvements in symptoms of type 2 diabetes patients with the use of a combination of five specific Ayurvedic herbs. Turmeric, which is utilized in many Ayurvedic preparations, has shown potential for the relief of digestive symptoms associated with ulcerative colitis and similar diseases. Numerous individuals claim Ayurvedic medicine helped improve their overall quality of life while they were going through conventional treatment regimens for their chronic condition or disease, such as cancer.

Uncover information on the safety of Ayurvedic medicine next.

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