Side Effects Of Milk Of Magnesia

Abdominal Pain

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Abdominal pain may occur as a side effect of milk of magnesia. It is also a common complication of constipation and upset stomach. The abdominal pain associated with laxative use may be experienced as a sharp, stabbing pain. Patients may also feel a dull or throbbing ache. This type of pain occurs most often in the lower abdomen. However, they may be present in several areas of the abdomen. Abdominal pain may indicate a bowel obstruction or another serious medical condition. Thus, patients should see a doctor if they experience severe pain, pain that persists, or pain that worsens in any way. 

Emergency medical attention is necessary if the abdomen is swollen or tender to the touch. Patients should go to the emergency room if they have abdominal pain accompanied by bloody stools, fever, or persistent nausea and vomiting. Doctors will use a stethoscope to listen for bowel sounds in the patient's abdomen. They will press on the patient's abdomen to check for lumps and areas of pain. They may request imaging studies as well. Depending on the exact cause of the pain, patients may be treated with medications or surgery.

Read more about the side effects linked to milk of magnesia now.

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