Overview Of Foods To Avoid When Stressed

Canned Soup

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While most individuals think that they are doing themselves a favor by eating canned soup, there is more in it than vegetables and a hearty broth. There are two ingredients in canned soups that negatively affect the body. The first of those harmful ingredients is sodium. The average can of soup contains a minimum of one thousand milligrams of sodium. This is below the acceptable 2,400 milligrams of sodium allowed per day. However, most doctors recommend that individuals should keep their sodium intake at five to six hundred milligrams a day. Consuming too much sodium can cause hypertension, fluid retention, kidney disease, osteoporosis, stomach cancer, and even asthma. 

Additionally, one of the chemical preservatives in many brands of canned soup is monosodium glutamate. While this compound is still considered safe under government regulations, it adversely affects the central nervous system. As a result, consuming too much monosodium glutamate can cause symptoms such as drowsiness, headaches, nausea, and chest tightness. Thus, when stressed, individuals should eat homemade soup that does not contain these harmful compounds. It may take more effort to do this, but it is worth it.

Discover more foods to avoid consuming when stressed now.

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