Dietary Advice To Prevent Crohn's Disease Flare-Ups

Eat Low-Fiber Fruit And Vegetables

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Fruits and vegetables are often considered the staple of a healthy diet. However, Crohn's disease can make eating them difficult. As with whole grains, the amount of fiber in fruits and vegetables can lead to diarrhea and flare-ups. Patients can still gain many of the nutritional benefits of vegetables and fruits by being careful about which ones they eat. Rather than cutting these foods out of their diet completely, experts recommend eating low-fiber fruit. Some of the fruits to avoid include cherries, plums, peaches, and unpeeled apples. Crohn's disease patients should also avoid vegetables like artichokes, broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage. 

They can eat applesauce to eliminate much of the digestive process involved in breaking down apples. Bananas, pumpkins, cantaloupes, and squash also tend to be easy for the intestines to digest. When individuals with Crohn's disease eat vegetables, it is best to steam them or otherwise cook them well beforehand. This helps break down most of the non-digestible fiber before it can enter their digestive system. Bell peppers and well-peeled cucumbers are also often safe to eat. However, a cucumber's peel might irritate the digestive tract.

Read about more advice for a Crohn's disease diet now.

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