Signs That You Are Getting Older

Becoming Hearing Impaired

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Age-related hearing loss is one of the most common challenges aging adults face. In fact, nearly one in three individuals in the United States alone will experience some level of hearing loss between 65 and 74. That ratio raises to almost half of individuals becoming hearing impaired by the age of 75.

Hearing loss related to age typically occurs in both ears equally and tends to happen gradually. The loss may make it difficult to participate in family functions effectively, understand doctor’s advice fully, and even hear warnings or alarms clearly in your home or other environments.

These changes in hearing are typically a result of changes in the inner ear that come with age, but it can also be a result of changes in the middle ear or more complex issues with the nerve pathways between the ears and brain. Regardless, working with a hearing specialist can help you better understand the loss and learn ways to prevent further damage and better manage what loss you’ve already sustained.

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