Scariest Diseases That Come With Age


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Over one hundred different types of cancer exist. The tissues or organs where this disease starts generally dictates the name and type. Cancer occurs as a result of the cells in the body dividing uncontrollably and starting to spread. Since the body is comprised of cells, this condition can develop just about anywhere. Under normal circumstances, cells die and are replaced with new ones, but when cancer is present, new cells are made, but old ones also remain. Tumors, a type of solid and malignant mass, develop as cells accumulate. However, certain types of cancer do not have solid tumors, such as blood cancers. Cells may break off the tumors and go elsewhere in the body traveling via the lymphatic or circulatory systems. When this happens, secondary cancers can develop. The symptoms, complications, and prognosis are all dependent on the type of cancer someone develops, their general health, and the stage it is at when diagnosis occurs.

Keep reading to reveal this neurological condition that is mostly associated with age. 

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