Foods To Avoid While On The Whole30 Diet


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The Whole30 diet eliminates all grains, including oats, corn, rice, wheat, rye, and barley. Quinoa, buckwheat, and amaranth are eliminated as well. Patients on the Whole30 program are not allowed to consume foods that contain cornstarch, wheat germ, or other grain-based additives. Many of these are common in processed foods. When grains are eliminated, some individuals report feeling less bloated and sluggish, and some experience improvements in their mood. 

Since processed foods are one of the major dietary sources of grains, eliminating these products typically helps Whole30 followers with weight loss. Grains can be hidden in many foods. Thus, patients need to be vigilant about reading labels to check for these. Instead of using grains as the basis for meals, it is helpful to build meals around vegetables. For example, a baked potato is an ideal substitute for rice. If patients notice symptoms that they feel could be connected to a grain sensitivity, they should ask their doctor about celiac disease. This is especially important if the symptoms return after grains are re-introduced at the Whole30 program's conclusion. 

Get more details on foods to avoid on the Whole30 diet now.

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