Causes And Risk Factors For Lewy Body Dementia

Lewy body dementia affects more than one million individuals in the United States every year, making it the second most common form of dementia. It is the result of an excessive accumulation of protein into deposits called Lewy bodies. Symptoms include confusion, muscle rigidness, visual hallucinations, and tremors. This condition can cause a decline in a patient's mental state.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for Lewy body dementia. However, there are Lewy body dementia treatments out there. Patients often require Parkinson's disease medications. Cholinesterase inhibitors, a common Alzheimer's disease medication, may also be used on Lewy body dementia patients. Patients also require natural remedies for Lewy body dementia. Specifically, they need lifestyle changes such as creating daily routines and modifying their environment appropriately.

Association With Parkinson's Disease

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Lewy body dementia is associated with Parkinson's disease because the proteins found in individuals with Lewy body dementia are also found in Parkinson's disease patients. Although most individuals with Parkinson's disease exhibit Lewy bodies in their brain, it is not an indicator that they will eventually develop Lewy body dementia. The most common symptom between the two is that with both diseases, most patients will experience some form of dementia. 

The type of dementia experienced is different in Parkinson's disease patients and Lewy body dementia patients. Parkinson's disease patients experience dementia later in their disease, precluded by a loss in motor functions. In contrast, Lewy body dementia patients will experience the inverse effect.

Continue reading to reveal the major connection to Alzheimer's disease next.

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