Habits To Avoid If You Have An Addictive Personality

Using Alcohol To Socialize

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In the famous words of Homer Simpson, alcohol is "the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems." Humor aside, this line from the hit television series The Simpsons expresses an interesting truth, namely that we often use alcohol to escape problems we created while under the influence of alcohol. Indeed, while it can be tempting to use alcohol as a means to 'loosen up' at a social gathering, the truth is social drinking can quickly escalate into something much more serious and damaging to our social reputation and even our health. 

Furthermore, addiction to alcohol can be catastrophic in its effects, as in medical circles it is known as a potentially fatal condition with its withdrawal symptoms, making alcohol withdrawal in some instances even more dangerous than withdrawal from heroin. Using alcohol to socialize may be a socially-accepted activity, but for someone with an addictive personality, the problems social drinking can alleviate are often vastly outnumbered by the problems the activity creates.

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