What Causes A Broken Blood Vessel In The Eye?

Trauma To The Eye

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There is a wide range of ways in which trauma to the eye can occur and cause a blood vessel to become broken, and they usually include a foreign object penetrating the eye. These objects can be anything from a fish hook to a piece of metal. Whenever such trauma occurs, it's essential to avoid making the issue worse. For instance, patients should make sure they avoid rubbing their eyes and try not to remove the object without medical assistance if it remains stuck. These actions can worsen the damage that has already occurred. With most types of trauma, individuals will need to deal with ruptured vessels along with more severe problems that have caused damage to the eye itself. No matter the type of eye trauma patients suffer from, immediate medical attention is essential so the issue can be safely treated. This trauma could also involve certain chemicals, which could be very harmful to the patient's ongoing health if not treated quickly. Any chemicals with acid in them can actually be washed out somewhat easily and may only cause one or two broken blood vessels in the eye.

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