The Different Types of Breast Cancer, Explained

Invasive Breast Cancers

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Invasive breast cancers mean the cancerous cells have migrated to other parts of the breast or the body. Two main categories of invasive breast cancers are invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) and invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC). They are the most common types of breast cancers and account for about eighty percent of all cases. The American Cancer Society indicates over one hundred and eight women are diagnosed with invasive breast cancer annually.

IDC is the most common invasive breast cancer and mostly affects older women. However, it can affect women of any age and can affect men as well. The American Cancer Society reports the majority of the women who have been diagnosed with the cancer are over fifty-five years old. ILC accounts for about ten percent of invasive breast cancer. It occurs in the lobule and spreads to other breast and body tissues. Unlike other types of cancer, it does not cause a lump and is therefore hard to detect. However, it can be identified through a mammogram, ultrasound, MRI, or biopsy. ILC occurs later than IDC, especially after sixty years.

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