Guide To The Foods That Aid In Breast Cancer Recovery

Citrus Fruit

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Eating a good balance of citrus fruits is another diet technique that can help with breast cancer recovery. Citrus fruits, such as oranges, contain vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential for overall immune system health. Additionally, research studies suggest that vitamin C has a significant role in reducing the spread of cancerous cells. Grapefruit is particularly powerful for breast cancer recovery. This is because grapefruit also provides beneficial protection against breast cancer because not only does it contain vitamin C, but it also contains lycopene, which is a carotenoid. 

Citrus fruits also contain antioxidants. These are important for the body because they affect how cells grow. This means that they can potentially stop cancer growth and directly influence certain enzymes that can break down cancer-causing chemicals in the body.

Continue reading to learn about more foods that help breast cancer patients now.

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