Warning Signs Of Ovarian Cancer

Pelvic Discomfort And Pain

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An ovarian cancer patient can feel pelvic discomfort and pain for many different reasons. Cancer in the ovary can spread to neighboring tissues like the uterus and cause the muscles that make up the uterus to contract inappropriately. This mechanism produces a cramping pain in the lower pelvis. This pain is comparable to the pain of menstrual cramps. If ovarian cancer spreads into the bowel tissues, patients can experience pain due to intestinal damage and improper functioning of the large intestine. 

Ovarian cancer can metastasize to the bladder tissues, which can produce pain and urinary symptoms due to the inappropriate contraction of the bladder muscles and inflammation. Ovarian cancer can cause patients to develop ascites, which will cause them to feel discomfort and pain because the organs and nerves in the pelvic area are being compressed.

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