How To Treat And Prevent Toxic Shock Syndrome


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When the staphylococcus and streptococcus bacteria enter the body and spread toxins, the internal organs and bloodstream are compromised. Medical procedures such as thyroidectomies, suction lipectomies, and mammoplasties make a patient more susceptible to toxic shock syndrome. When someone has the infection, their blood is affected, and white blood cell counts rise. Blood serum levels decrease, and the bacteria can interrupt the normal functions of the lungs, liver, and kidneys.

If toxic shock syndrome causes the kidneys to fail, dialysis may need to be administered. This treatment removes toxins from the blood and helps restore kidney function. During the procedure, the patient's blood is processed through a dialyzer made of tiny fibers. It cleans the blood and returns it to the body. The kidneys are a vital organ and allow the body to process water and minerals. When they are infected, health is comprised. Thankfully, dialysis can assist with getting rid of bacteria.

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