How To Prevent Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)

Wash Hands Frequently

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Since SARS and similar viruses are not preventable by vaccines, one of the strongest methods of prevention is to wash one's hands frequently. Experts suggest individuals wash their hands both before and after meals, and they should also wash their hands after cooking and after returning home from an outing. In particular, hands should be washed after using the bathroom. To effectively kill germs, scientists recommend individuals wash their hands with soapy water for at least twenty to thirty seconds. While warm water may feel more comfortable, studies show washing the hands with cold water and soap is just as effective. While washing their hands, patients should ensure they wash underneath their fingernails and between each finger. The wrists and backs of the hands should also be washed. Next, the hands should be dried with a clean towel, and patients should use the towel to turn off the faucet. If water and soap are not available, alcohol-based hand sanitizers are equally effective. When choosing one of these sanitizers, researchers recommend that patients opt for a product containing a minimum of sixty percent alcohol. To ensure effective cleaning, patients should use an amount that completely wets both hands, and the product should be rubbed into the hands until they are dry.

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