Warning Signs Linked To A Vitamin E Deficiency

Peripheral Neuropathy

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The peripheral nervous system is the nerve network that connects an individual's spinal cord and brain to the rest of their body, including their arms, legs, hands, feet, internal organs, mouth, and face. The nerves within this system are responsible for delivering signals to the brain that contain information about physical sensation. The nerves of the peripheral nervous system are made out of polyunsaturated fats, cholesterol, and other substances, all of which are greatly vulnerable to damage from oxidative stress. 

Vitamin E is the primary and most abundant source of antioxidants in a healthy individual's body. These antioxidants have a protective effect on the nerve cells of an individual's peripheral nervous system, preventing damage from oxidative stress. However, an individual with low vitamin E will experience damage to these peripheral nerves over time due to a lack of the protective antioxidant effects of the vitamin. Peripheral neuropathy manifests as numbness and or tingling in a patient's feet or hands.

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