Overview Of The Symptoms Of Dyspraxia

Perception Issues 

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Dyspraxia can affect a patient's perception skills in different ways. Individuals with this condition sometimes have difficulty telling the difference between things they see, feel, hear, taste, or smell. For example, when most individuals use their sense of touch, they can differentiate between two different textures they feel. Researchers have found that dyspraxia patients are often very slow at recognizing these types of differences. 

Some health experts believe that these perception issues explain why dyspraxia patients under their care often have difficulty with certain tasks. When handwriting, many of them pause frequently. They seemingly have to think or physically coordinate what they will write next. Some experts have suggested that this may be due to perception issues relating to both touch and sight in dyspraxia. In order to plan movements, individuals normally use their senses while planning the action. When the senses are not giving correct information to the brain, such as in dyspraxia, the movement itself is then affected. 

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