Understanding Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Causes Of PCOS Continued

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As a complex multigenic condition, the exact affected gene has not yet been discovered. However, it is known the phenotype - the genetic code that creates the condition - appears to manifest itself partially due to the high levels of the (male) androgen present in the ovarian follicle theca cells. As the ovaries are the primary organ affected, recent research has indicated PCOS is a multisystem disorder, with the predominate issue being in the hormonal regulation in the hypothalamus, that includes many organs. Polycystic ovaries develop when a woman's ovaries are stimulated to produce more hormones, specifically testosterone, by either one or a combination of the release of excessive luteinizing hormone (LH) through high levels of insulin in the blood or by the anterior pituitary gland.

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