Guide To The Causes And Complications Of A Herniated Disc

Lifting Heavy Objects

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Lifting heavy objects can increase an individual's risk of developing a herniated disc. These physical activities may be a part of an individual's occupation or may be associated with a recreational hobby. Occupations that involve repetitive pulling, pushing, sideways bending, twisting and lifting are those that are most likely to cause someone to experience a herniated disc. An individual who tends to utilize the muscles in their back rather than the muscles in their legs when trying to lift a heavy object can develop a herniated disc. The repetitive action of lifting heavy objects incorrectly can cause the vertebrae to produce friction that expedites the degeneration or break down of the spinal discs. When the spinal discs break down or degenerate, they are more likely to move out of their place, crack, and break into fragments. An individual who performs heavy lifting regularly can experience problems with the muscles that are responsible for supporting their spine, which can also cause a disc to slip out of its place.

Uncover more risk factors and complications linked to herniated discs now.

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