Early Warning Signs Of Dementia

Personality Changes

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Individuals with dementia will usually undergo some personality changes. One cognitive change might be a loss of interest in hobbies and activities they previously enjoyed, and they may also have completely changed behavioral patterns and priorities.

Dementia alters the brain as it progresses. The earliest personality changes individuals might see are increased anxiety and depression. The changes will become more severe and unpredictable as the disease progresses. Patients may also make impulsive decisions or become angry for no reason. There's also a phenomenon called sundowning, in which a patient will become more upset during the night. Dementia patients often have their aggression triggered when they are in pain, overstimulated, or stressed and confused. If individuals have experienced any unusual changes in their personality, it's important to talk to a doctor. Even if the cause isn't dementia, it is likely a treatable neurological or psychological illness.

Get the details on more early indicators of dementia now.

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