Health Benefits Of Retinoids

Reduces Wrinkles And Fine Lines

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Retinoids may be used by some individuals to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and decrease the frequency of fine lines on the face. Wrinkles and fine lines form as an individual becomes older, their skin loses its elasticity, and it decreases in overall strength. As an individual gets older, their skin begins to lose its ability to retain moisture properly, becomes drier, and eventually thins out. These mechanisms cause the molecules of collagen in the skin to crack apart and then clump together, which is what forms wrinkles and fine lines on the surface of the skin. Retinoids are thought to help reverse this aging process of the skin by promoting and increasing the production of collagen. Retinoids are also known to promote the formation of tiny new blood vessels in the skin, which helps with skin color and the retention of moisture. Retinoids also help fight the formation of fine lines and wrinkles by increasing the turnover speed of superficial skin cells, helping reveal the layer of cells underneath that takes the place of dead skin cells.

Get more information on the health benefits linked to retinoids now.

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