Guide To The Most Common Hematology Tests

Blood Chemistry Test

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A blood chemistry test is another hematology test that measures chemicals found in a blood sample. They help find abnormalities in chemical levels and determine how well an individual's organs are functioning. These tests are also sometimes interchangeably called chemistry panels. Multiple types of chemistry tests are available, and the one a doctor uses will vary depending on the patient's circumstances. The doctor may measure minerals, vitamins, proteins, sugars, hormones, lipids, electrolytes, enzymes, or any combination of them. 

Electrolyte panels measure minerals, including bicarbonate, phosphate, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and chloride. Renal panels measure the function of the kidneys by seeing how much creatinine and blood urea nitrogen are in the patient's blood. Basic metabolic panels take both electrolyte and kidney readings, and also measure the patient's calcium and glucose. Comprehensive metabolic panels take all of these measurements and also include a liver function test. Blood chemistry tests are used to diagnose conditions, monitor ongoing treatment, and measure the function of organs like the thyroid, liver, and kidneys.

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