Common Causes Of Eye Strain And Eye Pain

Straining To See In Low Light

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An individual who is frequently straining to see in low light can develop eye strain and subsequent eye pain. The eyes are designed to adapt to low light environments for short periods. However, trying to accomplish certain things in low light conditions can lead to eye strain in an individual. Any activity that involves reading, writing, or putting together pieces of a puzzle is considered a high-intensity task for an individual's eyes. The muscles in the eye already have to adjust the lens constantly to enable the individual to focus on what they are doing. 

However, attempting these high-intensity tasks in low light conditions causes them to work harder and longer than they would be in conditions of adequate lighting. As most high-intensity tasks in terms of the eyes require mental focus, an individual can easily forget to blink enough to prevent their eyes from becoming dry and irritated. Dry eyes and irritation can result in itching and painful eyes. Fatigue of the eye muscles is common in individuals who make a habit of performing high-intensity tasks in low light because it requires more energy than it would in good lighting.

Discover additional causes of eye strain and eye pain now.

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