Common Symptoms Of Pulsatile Tinnitus

Hearing Loss

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When pulsatile tinnitus is related to irregular blood vessels alone, the drumlike sound tends to be the only symptom. However, the condition can also be related to high pressure in the spinal fluid surrounding the brain. Other symptoms may present when this is the case, with hearing loss being one of them. Patients may not be able to hear well around the sound of the pulsing. Their hearing may come and go in seemingly random spurts. It may be difficult for them to hear certain high or low-pitched sounds. 

Affected individuals might need to turn their television up louder or ask others to repeat themselves several times before they understand them. If individuals are experiencing unexplained hearing loss, they should see a doctor to rule out things like intracranial hypertension. Even in cases of permanent and irreversible hearing loss, an audiologist can often use things like hearing aids to help.

Get more details on the warning signs of pulsatile tinnitus now.

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