What Causes A Clogged Ear?

Swimmer's Ear

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Swimmer's ear is an outer ear infection especially prevalent among swimmers. Patients with swimmer's ear might experience itching in the ear, and they may also notice a feeling of fullness or increasing pain in the ear. In advanced cases of swimmer's ear, patients might have pain that radiates to their neck or face, and the ear canal could become completely blocked. A fever might develop, and lymph nodes in the neck may swell. While this type of ear infection is common for swimmers, it can also occur in non-swimmers who use earbuds or hearing aids, particularly if they are not properly cleaned. Inserting cotton buds or other items into the ear to clean it also raises the risk of an outer ear infection, and skin irritation from hairspray, jewelry, or hair dye might result in infection too. Patients with swimmer's ear will need to have their ear canal suctioned out so ear drops can effectively treat this condition. Patients may need to apply an acidic solution to the affected ear to eliminate harmful bacteria, and antibiotics, steroids, and pain relievers are frequently needed.

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