How To Prevent And Treat Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Sling

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Slings are devices used to help promote the healing of injuries. When part of the body is injured, a sling will immobilize it so that the injury can heal. Shoulder slings immobilize the shoulder when it's injured. This is especially helpful given that the shoulder joint is the most mobile in the body, and you may move it without even realizing it. Though shoulder slings can be used for multiple injuries, it's most common to use them with a broken arm, dislocated arm, or dislocated shoulder. 

Experts recommend splinting any injuries that require splinting before using the sling. The splint should be monitored to make sure it isn't cutting off the person's blood circulation. Splints can help treat the pain associated with a shoulder injury, because they keep the pain from flaring up with movement. In addition, a sling helps prevent individuals from further damaging their blood vessels, nerves, and muscles. If individuals have a surface injury, a sling can help reduce the risk of accidentally reopening the surface wound.

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