Warning Signs Of Trigger Finger

Popping Sensation

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Individuals affected by trigger finger may feel a popping sensation in the finger, and some patients could hear a popping noise as well; this is sometimes heard as a click. Popping usually occurs when the finger is moved. For example, patients could experience popping while they are typing, opening a jar, or doing an activity that requires the finger to exert force, bear weight, or move against resistance. Some individuals could find the popping sensation frightening, and it may be followed by pain. It could occur when the finger is being bent, and it may also happen when the finger is being straightened. 

The popping sensation might sound like a trigger being released, and this sensation gives the condition its name. If possible, being able to replicate the popping sensation during a physical exam with a doctor could be beneficial in the diagnostic process. It can also be helpful for doctors to know if the popping occurs only after certain activities. Patients who have surgery for trigger finger often find the popping sensation is one of the first symptoms to resolve during the recovery period.

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