Guide To Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG)

How It Works 

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With recent discoveries, researchers now have a good understanding of how epigallocatechin gallate works. Free radicals are molecules that arise within the body and can damage cells. This cellular damage can lead to many different health problems. Antioxidants and some other substances can help protect the body by neutralizing these free radicals. In lab experiments, this catechin has shown very potent antioxidant activity in human skin and organ cells. 

Apoptosis is a process where the immune system identifies and removes infected, damaged, or cancerous cells. Epigallocatechin gallate has been found to help enhance this process, leading to a quicker and more effective removal of certain threats. This catechin has anti-inflammatory properties as well. Cytokines, proteins that impact the immune system, can both cause and reduce inflammation, depending on the type. This catechin suppresses proinflammatory cytokines. They are the ones that trigger inflammation. 

Discover the uses and benefits of this catechin next.

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