Common Causes And Risk Factors For Agoraphobia

Other Phobias

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Another common risk factor is having other phobias. Many patients with agoraphobia also have other debilitating phobias that may or may not be related to their agoraphobia. Not everyone with other phobias will develop agoraphobia, and not everyone with agoraphobia has other phobias, but these things tend to coincide. A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder, and it's also among the most common mental illnesses found in the United States. The National Institute of Mental Health has done statistical analysis indicating around eight percent of the population suffers from at least one phobia. Phobias involve intense fear and panic when exposed to certain situations or stimuli an individual is afraid of. The fear always happens in response to the stimuli, rather than occurring spontaneously. Some common symptoms of phobias are being preoccupied with the fear, feeling like you aren't real, trembling, feeling nauseous, and having a fast heartbeat.

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