What To Know Before Buying A Lovebird

Lovebirds Can Be Very Protective

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Lovebirds can be very protective in a variety of situations. After all, loyalty is one of the main characteristics of this bird. If you buy a single lovebird and spend a lot of time petting and handling them, you will earn their trust. Not surprisingly, they're likely to become very protective of you. If they're sitting on your shoulder, they may chirp or flap their wings if a family member or other pet in your household approaches you. Female lovebirds can be very protective of their cage when they reach the age of sexual maturity. Even if they don’t have babies or if there’s not a male lovebird around, they want to protect the territory they live in. So, a female lovebird may flap her wings or nip at you if you approach her cage. You can lessen this behavior by not putting any nesting material inside the cage. Keep in mind that if you bought a pair of lovebirds they would be protective of one another.

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