6 Common And Completely Natural Aphrodisiacs Every Woman Should Know About

Aphrodisiacs can be human-made or naturally found substances that increase the sex drive, or libido, of a man or woman. Poor health choices such as a bad diet full of processed foods, no exercise, and a lack of sleep can contribute to a lack of sexual desire and activity. Mental health issues such as depression or anxiety can also lower libido and hurt sexual appetite. Although pharmaceutical companies have seemingly solved the problem of male libido with products such as Viagra and its many imitations, women have far fewer over the counter choices. Check out these six natural and easy to use aphrodisiacs for women.


This tasty, exotic fruit is found in any supermarket in North America and has become a favourite for many people due to the unique taste and texture. What is not well-known about dates is the fact they are a natural aphrodisiac that has been used for hundreds of years like many others in this slideshow. In traditional Arabic culture, dates are mixed with milk and cinnamon to create a natural aphrodisiac that is amazingly tasty. After consuming a portion of dates, the body will instantly feel energized and somewhat revitalized and for this reason dates are a common food used to break a Ramadan fast. Dates also contain fibre, essential nutrients and minerals, which are all vital to maintaining general health and sexual appetite for women.


The seed of this plant was consumed by the people of ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome as a natural aphrodisiac and many who try it today will say the same thing. The seeds and leaves of the plant are also common in a lot of South Asian and Indian dishes. The taste of the seeds is somewhat sweet, resembling butterscotch or maple syrup and is used to flavour some imitation maple products such as syrups or candy. Some women even claim that the phytoestrogens within fenugreek are a natural way to increase breast size. Although the latter has never been proven scientifically, what is known about fenugreek seeds is that is has been used for centuries as a natural aphrodisiac across many cultures and countries. The seeds and leaves can also be used to make a paste that is used as an anti-inflammatory, improving the flow of milk for lactating women.

Warming Spices


A warming spice is a substance that gives a hot aspect to food or drinks, and many are considered to be aphrodisiacs. Cinnamon is a very common flavour within North American foods. Found in alcohol, cereals, coffee beverages, and sweets, among others, the sharp, spicy taste is a favourite for many. Cinnamon can increase a woman's appetite for sexual pleasure, and it is consumed in many different ways such as teas, chocolate or in savoury dishes such as curry or soup. Ginger has been used for an extremely long time as a stimulant and will also create the same warm sensation in the body as cinnamon and nutmeg. Ginger root can be ground and added to honey and tea to create an aphrodisiac drink in a matter of minutes. Although Nutmeg has no clinically proven medicinal value, it is still included as an aphrodisiac due to the overwhelming anecdotal evidence available in favour of this spice. All of these spices can even enhance a woman's sexual pleasure because they can increase blood-flow in the pelvic and abdominal region of the body as well as an increased appetite for sexual activity.


Also known as the cocoa bean or cocoa, this seed is the foundation of chocolate as well as cocoa butter. This food has a rich history that dates back over 5,000 years to the Mayan and Olmec civilizations. Cacao contains the 'love chemical', phenylethylamine, which is a compound that releases dopamine into the brain during sexual intercourse. The small cocoa nibs are an excellent substitute for chocolate chips in cookies or sweet slices. These little beans are also a rich source of antioxidants which can have anti-ageing properties, and promote a healthy heart and central nervous system. The most common variety is the Forastero which make up approximately 80-90% of the world's cocoa production. They are easily found in most supermarkets or bulk stores, and this natural aphrodisiac is easy to add into any diet.


This herb, related to asparagus, has been used as a revitalization tonic for women in India for hundreds of years and is used for such ailments as hormonal imbalances and menstrual pains and discomfort. This plant has many different names in Indian culture but is identified in North America as Shatavari. Indian folklore refers to this herb as "she who has 1,000 husbands", because sexual desire after consumption is thought to become overwhelmingly intense. As well as being a natural aphrodisiac, women have also been using Shatavari as a remedy for PMS and to improve the quality of breast milk in breastfeeding women. The plant is becoming rarer due to the deforestation of its natural habitat as well as an increased demand for the supposedly magic herb.


Lotus Blooming Herbs

The best quality of Shilajit comes from the Himalayan Mountain range in Central Asia. This tar-like substance seeps out of mountain rocks at high altitudes during the summer months and has been used as a natural supplement for thousands of years on the subcontinent. During modern times, shilajit was studied extensively by the Soviet Union for its medicinal properties and products containing it is still sold in Russia today. People who consume shilajit, by mixing it with tea or other hot drinks, claim that it will give a large energy boost that helps with exercise and sexual activity. Shilajit is a lot harder to find than the others on this list however many Indian, Nepalese, or Pakistani specialty stores may carry this aphrodisiac which is of most benefit to women in resin-form rather than extracts, liquids, or powders.