Warning Signs Of Keratosis Pilaris

Rough And Dry Skin

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Rough and dry skin typically appears in conjunction with the bumps. The bumps may appear on patches of dry skin, or the body may be surrounded by a combination of dry skin patches and bumps. Bumps that occur on dry patches tend to feel quite similar to sandpaper. Moisturizer can be used to help with the appearance and feeling of dry skin. Normal skin feels fairly moist to the touch, but dry skin may feel abrasive and somewhat scaly. By moisturizing, individuals restore some of the moisture to the skin so that it is not as dry. 

The patches of dryness occur because of the way that keratin builds on the skin. Doctors have not yet discovered why keratin builds up like this in some individuals, though they have determined that it is harmless. The best moisturizers for dry skin are ones that include petroleum jelly, glycerin, or lanolin. These particular ingredients help trap moisture in the skin so that it does not evaporate into the air.  Most dermatologists recommend moisturizing several times a day for dry skin caused by keratosis pilaris.

Get more information on the symptoms of keratosis pilaris now.

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