Guide To The Symptoms And Types Of Heat Rash

Miliaria Rubra

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Miliaria rubra is a condition where sweat is abnormally retained in the living layers of the epidermis and upper dermis. The most prevalent form of miliaria is miliaria rubra, occurring in around one-third of individuals who are suddenly exposed to humidity and heat. Symptoms of miliaria rubra include small non-follicular papules, which are papules on the skin that do not originate from a hair follicle, and papulovesicules, papules on the skin that eventually develop into blisters. The size of these papules that emerge on the skin of an individual who has miliaria rubra is between two and four millimeters in size. Raised and patchy red spots are often visible along with the skin papules. When sweat becomes trapped in the deeper epidermal skin layers, the patient's immune system will respond to the area. This inflammation is what makes the papules in miliaria rubra appear red, unlike those on the skin of an individual affected by miliaria crystallina.

Keep reading to learn more about the types of heat rash out there now.

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