Choose The Best Mattress For Your Health

Determine How Firm Or Soft You Want It

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The best mattress firmness is a little challenging to declare universally, as it is somewhat subjective. Whether a mattress is firm, soft, or somewhere in between depends on an individual's definition of firm, medium, and soft. Factors such as body weight, type, size, and sleeping position play into this feeling of firmness. These are why you must determine how firm or soft you want it. Customers often mistakenly conflate support and firmness as the same, but this isn't the case. Good support means the mattress keeps the sleeper's spine is properly aligned and avoids creating pressure points. Firmness is more of an indicator of how the mattress feels and a firm mattress may not always give the appropriate support for the sleeper. Some manufacturers have developed what they call universal comfort, which includes a variety of layers and foams to adjust to each sleeper's needs, and is typically a happy medium of firmness for most sleepers.

Continue for details on how weight can impact the type of mattress needed for health.

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