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Key Warning Signs Your Body Needs More Fiber

Almost every advertisement for health foods usually contains at least a short reference to the amount of fiber found in their product. Fiber has become one of the big buzzwords in healthy eating, and for good reason. Dietary fiber is the indigestible portion of food that helps keep food moving through an individual's digestive system at a normal rate. A diet low in fiber can cause many different digestive health issues, although these are not always easy to spot. However, there are a number of signs that can indicate the body needs more fiber. 

Persistent Hunger

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Fiber is one of the ingredients in food that helps trigger the sensation of being full following a meal. Meals that contain a large amount of fiber will fill the digestive system for longer, leading to less frequent meals or snacking. Individuals whose diets do not contain sufficient fiber often report feeling hungry more often, sometimes even immediately following a meal. Diets high in fiber can also help regulate an individual's blood glucose (sugar), which can help curb cravings and needless snacking. This can also reduce the severity of health issues such as diabetes.

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