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How To Treat A Black Widow Bite

A black widow spider is a dangerous spider with a venomous bite. They are located in many areas of the country, but they don't go looking to attack humans. In most instances, these spiders are perfectly fine living among humans without any interaction. However, there may come a time when an individual is faced with a black widow spider bite, and thus, they must know what to do to treat that bite. First, individuals must try and keep the spider. If they kill it after it bites, they should put its body into a bag or a container and take it to the doctor. Confirmation of the species is required to adequately diagnose and treat the bite, and it's easier with the body of the spider present. Read about the methods of treating a black widow bite now.

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There is never a time to not get emergency medical care right away when an individual suspects a black widow spider may have bitten them. This spider's filled with venom, and this bite can cause serious health consequences. The bite might appear red and slightly inflamed at first, though this not uncommon for any spider bite. However, a black widow spider bite causes serious pain almost right away. The pain can spread from the bite into the individual's back and abdomen, and they might begin to sweat profusely within an hour of being bitten. These are the most common signs of a black widow bite, and thus, it's time to get emergency medical care. If the spider cannot be brought in, it's important for individuals to either have a witness or to bring a photo of the spider for identification purposes.

Keep reading for more information on how to treat a black widow bite.

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