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What Is Oppositional Defiant Disorder And Could My Child Have It?

Many individuals are unaware of precisely what oppositional defiant disorder, commonly referred to as ODD, means. When most parents have kids, they expect them to have moments of defiance in the heat of the moment. Tired, sick, or hungry children may not always be aware of how to correctly and appropriately show their emotions.

Oppositional defiant disorder is more than this. It is characterized by persistent and regular defiance, vindictiveness, irritability, et cetera. It can be a scary diagnosis for both for the parents as well as the child, but it does not have to be. Continue reading for everything you need to know about this condition, including its symptoms, potential causes and risk factors, how it is diagnosed, available treatment options, and complications.

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Causes Of ODD

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Medical professionals have not yet found a clear cause of oppositional defiant disorder in children. However, evidence indicates genetics and environmental factors do contribute to the likelihood of this condition. A child born with specific neurobiological factors causing the brain and other nerves to function differently may have a higher risk of ODD. A child's environment is another major factor, as children who live in hostile environments, environments with inconsistent discipline, or those without much supervision are more susceptible to this disorder. Other familial issues that increase the risk of oppositional defiant disorder include if one or both parents have a mental illness themselves or if they abuse substances.

Continue reading to discover the symptoms of ODD and when they appear.

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