These 6 Powerful Health Supplements Can Make A Positive Difference In Your Life

There are plenty of vitamin, mineral, and herbal supplements out there to help people get the nutrients they need for optimal health. Although it is possible for people to get all the nutrition they need from the food they eat, supplements can help to fill in gaps. Many people are familiar with multivitamins and standalone supplements, such as calcium pills, vitamin C supplements, and fish or flaxseed oil capsules. However, it is not always easy for women to know which supplements are the best ones to take. Women can identify which supplements to prioritize by checking out this list of six powerful supplements that have been formulated specifically for women.

Blissful Lengths Liquid Hair Growth Vitamin By Curls


Health experts have always known that a healthy, well-balanced diet can improve the condition of hair and skin. Certain vitamins, particularly vitamins D and B, are linked to hair growth and hair health. Studies have shown that vitamin D improves hair growth and thickness by creating new hair follicles. Research also suggests that vitamin D helps wake up dormant follicles. Vitamin D is naturally found in many foods, including fish, low-fat fortified milk, whole grains, and mushrooms. Some health experts also note that vitamin B (for example vitamin B12) helps condition and strengthen hair. Vitamin B is present in such foods as eggs, soybeans, meat, nuts, avocados, legumes, whole grains, dark leafy greens, and carrots. Women who plan on taking vitamin D or vitamin B supplements should consult with their doctor about the appropriate amount to take to avoid complications.

Big Chill Supplements By Hum Nutrition


This vegan formula contains the extract of Rhodiola rosea, a plant native to Alaska, Asia, and Europe that has many physical and mental health benefits. The physical benefits include increased energy and improved athletic performance; increased belly fat burn, which is triggered by the compound rosavin; shorter recovery times after intense workouts; and enhanced immunity. The mental benefits include improvements in symptoms of depression, better brain function, and reduced cortisol (which calms the body when dealing with stress). Studies have also shown that Rhodiola rosea helps women cope with the cognitive symptoms of menopause, including memory loss, difficulty processing information, and sleeplessness. You can find Hum's Big Chill here. 

Power Dust By Moon Juice

Free People

Power dust is an organic nutritional supplement in powder form. It is mixed with a liquid base and then ingested. Like Bill Chill Supplements, this formula contains Rhodiola rosea. However, the main ingredients in this supplement are ginseng and astragalus. Ginseng boosts the body’s immunity and is reported to lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, reduce stress, and promote relaxation. Astragalus strengthens the immune system and helps ward off diseases and infections. Women who are interested in taking this supplement should talk to their doctor first because some ingredients, such as ginseng, are known to interact with common medications (for example, blood thinners). You can find Power Dust here.

Essential For Women By Ritual


This nutritional supplement contains nine essential vitamins and minerals women need, including vitamins D, E, B12, K2; magnesium; iron; boron; folate; and omega-3. Vitamin D aids in calcium absorption and promotes healthy bones and immune function. Vitamin E prevents free radical damage and boosts the immune system. Vitamin B12 produces red blood cells and nerve cells. Vitamin K2 prevents excessive bleeding and keeps the heart healthy and bones strong. Magnesium helps with smooth muscle control. Iron produces healthy, oxygen-carrying red blood cells. Boron helps to balance other minerals and increase estrogen levels in older women. Folate encourages efficient cellular activity. And lastly, omega-3 helps protect against a variety of diseases. The supplement is vegan, gluten free, and does not contain any soy or synthetic ingredients.

Pure Skin Clarifying Dietary Supplement By Murad


This nutritional supplement is formulated specifically to help improve the condition of the skin. The active ingredients include vitamin A, which has numerous benefits for the skin, such as preventing pores from becoming clogged and promoting healthy skin cell production and growth. Vitamin A also helps keep the skin firm and healthy at the deepest layers. Another active ingredient in this supplement is zinc, which decreases oil production, reduces skin irritation, and improves overall skin health. Zinc also reduces acne and speeds up skin healing. Instructions recommend ingesting two supplements in the morning and evening for an effective journey toward improving the skin from the inside out.

Care/of Nutritional Supplement

Johnny Jet

Care/of invites users to fill out a questionnaire about their lifestyle, health, and goals to identify the best supplement formulation for their needs. Standard vitamin formulations may not always address all of a person's needs. This is where Care/of nutritional supplements comes in. They fill the gaps with a tailored vitamin pack. The customized supplements come with personalized guidance and detailed recommendations for each user. The Care/of laboratory is stocked with thirty ingredients, which allows them to address the wide range of health concerns and needs their users have. The personalized supplements also come in attractive packaging that makes taking them a pleasant experience.