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Signs Of Toxic Shock Syndrome

Toxic shock syndrome, also known as TSS, is a life-threatening illness that typically occurs due to bacterial infections such as staph and group A strep. Although toxic shock syndrome has primarily been associated with menstruating women and the use of superabsorbent tampon usage, it can affect anyone, including men, children, and post-menopausal women. The risk of acquiring toxic shock syndrome increases for those who have open wounds or are recovering from surgery. Because TSS can be fatal, it is important to recognize the signs and get medical help immediately if symptoms occur.

Sudden High Fever

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For many experiencing toxic shock syndrome, the first indicator something is wrong is the onset of a sudden, high fever. While a fever can be considered anything over the average temperature of 98.6 Fahrenheit, for toxic shock syndrome, a high fever is considered 102 degrees Fahrenheit. The body creates a feverish state as it attempts to combat infection. The fever may be accompanied by a headache, chills, irritability, and a general sense of malaise. Although it may be difficult for those with a fever to eat or drink, it is imperative they intake consistent fluids, as a consistent feverish state can lead to dehydration. A prolonged fever state can lead to organ damage and failure as well. Those with an increased risk of toxic shock syndrome who experience a sudden high fever of 102 degrees or more should seek immediate medical attention.

Keep reading to reveal more signs of toxic shock syndrome now.

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