Natural Ways To Treat Sinusitis

Sinusitis is inflammation or swelling of the paranasal sinuses, more commonly referred to as simply the sinuses. Sinusitis is one of the most common ailments individuals experience on a daily basis and is caused by a variety of triggers. Air pollutants like smoke and smog can inflame the sinuses, as well as common allergens like pollen or animal dander. While sinusitis symptoms are usually mild and similar to the common cold, that makes it no less annoying. Luckily, there are a variety of natural ways to treat sinusitis.

Warm Compresses


The sinuses are hollow areas of the face located just behind the nose. When they become inflamed, they can block your nasal airways which can make breathing difficult. One of the easiest ways to relieve this inflammation is to first apply Xlear Sinus Care Nasal Spray then place warm compresses to the bridge of the nose and cheekbones. The gentle heat from a warm compress will loosen the sinus tissues and help break up any mucus deposits that have accumulated in the sinuses.

Saline Irrigation


One of the most popular natural treatments for sinusitis or sinus congestion is called nasal saline irrigation. This treatment involves pouring saline, or salt water, through a device called a neti pot into one nostril and out the other, flushing out the sinuses in the process. While this might sound uncomfortable, it’s actually a refreshing way to open those blocked sinuses. There are many options of neti pots available on the market to suit any individual’s specific needs.

Steam Baths


To quickly - but temporarily - open the sinuses and relieve the discomfort associated with sinusitis, just heat a pot of water until boiling. Once the water begins steaming, drape a towel over the back of your head and bend over the steaming water while breathing in deeply through the nose. Make sure not to get too close to avoid burning yourself. For added relief, some individuals add peppermint or eucalyptus oil to the water to help open the sinuses even further.

Try Spicy Foods


One of the easiest and fastest ways to relieve sinusitis is to eat the spiciest meal available. Many spicy foods are known to relieve the painful congestion associated with sinusitis. Chili peppers, ginger root, wasabi, and mustard can help open up your sinus passages and get blocked mucus flowing. Furthermore, many of these spices and others such as turmeric contain compounds which help boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, and even relieve digestive discomfort that is sometimes associated with sinusitis.

Stay Hydrated


One of the most telling overall health indicators is an individual’s level of hydration. Staying adequately hydrated keeps the body in a state of homeostasis and keeps bodily fluids moving as they should. Mucus can become thicker when individuals get dehydrated, which can cause sinus blockages and congestion. Drinking plenty of clear fluids will ensure that any mucus in the sinus cavities will remain thin and can be more easily evacuated by blowing one’s nose.

Get Plenty Of Rest


Sinusitis is a sinus infection that occurs when the nasal cavities become inflamed, swollen, or infected. There may be many causes and triggers for sinusitis, but there is one easy remedy that many patients are fond of - getting more sleep, and resting throughout the day.

By getting plenty of sleep and taking a daily routine easier than usual, the body is given a chance to recover from the infection that is attacking it. However, sleep alone will not cure sinusitis overnight, but it is very effective, especially when used with other home remedies. The earlier that treatments are implemented, the sooner that the patient will feel better.

Use A Humidifier


When the air within a room is too dry, the sinuses will not drain as well as they could. The congestion caused by dry air can lead to sinus pain and even sinusitis. However, adding humidity to the air with a humidifier is good for sinus health and can help reduce symptoms of sinusitis that are caused by heating systems in the home and workplace.

Humidifier and vaporizers can be used within the home to add moisture to the air and counteract the dryness that causes stuffy, painful sinuses and sinusitis. There are many different kinds of humidifiers and vaporizers, each with pros and cons. Get to know the different types before purchasing one.